Monday, August 15, 2011


I feel the sweat rolling down my face, my legs, my ass, my whole body is soaked. Standing at attention, waiting for inspection is sometimes the worst.

You take a shower and 30 seconds later you're consumed with the feeling of unclean again. It is usually 20C+ here most days.

... I can only imagine that this is just a flicker of what Afghanistan would be like.

It has rained maybe 5 times in the 7 weeks I've been here in Shilo, Manitoba. The grass is mostly all brown now, which makes it annoying when you're doing PT and stretching and it sticks all over your clothing. Hard to keep our rooms inspection ready when there's grass all over the place.

It is crazy that there's flooding around the province but here the grass is dying.

"16" more days here.
(That is in quotations because I really don't know when our last day is.)
19 days until I'm 29.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

1 comment:

  1. look at you go little sweaty sweetie... I can't believe that you are going to be 29... how did you grow up so fast? Get so smart and find the determination and drive that you possess... I love you and everything that you have become.
    Hugs, Mom (and kisses on your sweaty cheeks)
