Wednesday, May 8, 2013

Court, or no court?... That is the question.

So, shall we have an update? What has been going on in the odd, crazy life that I call my own?

I have been asked a lot lately... "What's happening with that ex and court and stuff?" Wait no longer, my lovelies; I have some answers... well kinda.

New to this? Read about what happened here:
Think Twice About Your Travel Buddy...

Thankfully, I never had to go to court. I was supposed to testify on two consecutive Tuesdays. However, I received a call the Friday before telling me that he had taken a deal. He pleaded guilty to some of the charges and some of the charges will be withdrawn… and that’s pretty much all the information I have at this time. He will be in court in June, I will not have to attend, nor do I want to. I will be notified of the results after his day in court.

I am happy. The justice system is a bit wonky but, I am just happy that he’s leaving me alone. It only took him 2 arrests and 2 visits to jail to make that happen.

I am doing a million times better, Fally is really back. I have had so much amazing support throughout the past several months. There as been over 1000 hits on my blog because of my story. THAT right there is so amazing to me. I wrote about my experience because I wanted people to be aware, think twice about whom they let into their lives and really think about whom they travel with… and even if I helped ONE person, it was all worth it.

Everyone, THANK YOU. It warms my heart so freakin’ much. I was/am overwhelmed by it all. My friends, my family, and even acquaintances… so so amazing. I love you all.
So, what else is up?

I was in school in March and April to do my 1st year of my Millwright apprenticeship. It was very challenging as I am still so new to the Millwright/mechanical world, but I learned a lot and I will find out in a few weeks if I passed the Provincial part of things. I am keeping positive; as I am sure I did fine.

I am currently in Fort McMurray, back to work, staying in camp and plan to work as much as I can until Christmas. Though, I will have a little break in July… a week in California for San Diego Comic Con… and MAYBE even a trip to the Philippines after Christmas, but we shall see. I gotta see the world!

So that’s that. Thank you for reading and I hope you are all well.

Many many hugs.