Monday, October 5, 2009

Writing worth sharing

A friend of mine wrote this and it played a bit with my heart strings... writing worth sharing. xo

"You Have Stolen My Heart."

Night,Who decided that saying something to someone along the lines of, "You have stolen my heart" is superbly romantic? I hear it all the time in movies, in songs, in poems, and I honestly don't understand. I mean, I understand what people mean BY IT, but that isn't what the saying actually means. Break it down for yourself if you have to..

You have STOLEN my heart. Honestly, it's more of an accusation. It means that you're walking along on your merry way, and then some jackass out of nowhere comes along and takes it from you without your permission. Why does said stranger feel it is necessary to do this? Was my heart not in good enough hands, safe and sound with me? Is that person better capable of nurturing my heart and deciphering its wants and needs than I am?

I'm not just being stubbornly pessimistic for no reason, honest. I know that when most people hear this phrase they imagine someone coming along unexpectedly and making them fall head over heels, all caught up in some sort of whirlwind romance.. which is great- if you're in a paperback novel with someone half naked on the front.

But it isn't just the taking that bothers me.. it is the keeping. Last night a good friend of mine confessed to me that he still thinks of someone he used to date a long time ago, years. He has moved on, he is in a relationship that is wonderful for him, and his girlfriend is amazing. But he watched a movie.. a very specific movie, and it was just a painful, vivid reminder that maybe his heart doesn't belong to him anymore- nor does it belong to his new girlfriend- it belongs to someone who stole it a long time ago, and he just somehow.. never got it back. To be honest, at this point in time, I don't know if he ever will.

It broke my heart so much, I didn't know how to respond. I was texting him and then, I couldn't even text back anymore because it stirred something in me. It really angers me, this stolen heart business.

I know what some of you are thinking. You're probably thinking that just because you still have feelings for someone special in your past, that doesn't mean you're incapable of moving on and experiencing new love. I myself have loved more than one person, but I'm not just talking about love. I'm talking about someone possessing your thoughts, your desires, your days and nights, your very core. I'm talking about someone entering your life and stealing YOU right out from under you, and then never giving you back when they leave. We didn't allow that to happen.. it just did. One day you wake up, you look around, and you realize your life is wrong and something profound is missing from it, and it makes you angry. It makes you weep, and long for peace, but you'll never know it.

So no my friends, I do not want my heart to be stolen. If I still have any of it left, I want to meekly loan it to someone, and I will be taking collateral. Lots and lots of collateral.

~Crystal Marie Nemchak
(stolen from her Facebook "notes")

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