Monday, November 29, 2010

Day 2 - Flippy Floppy Cruise

November 27, 2010
Today was pretty low-key on the eventfulness fun front. We woke around 7am, Mandy and I threw on our "I'm on a boat" shirts and we all headed to board our cruise around noon.

This ship is MASSIVE! We have only really seen 1/4 of it. We did some "sight seeing" around the boat, ate a bunch, (I ate way too much, even though I'm making healthier choices, I feel like an orca. Damn.) and just kinda hung out.

My mom told me that when she was on her cruise years ago that she took the stairs all the time to balance out the eating, haha! So, I suggested to the gang that we take the stairs as much as possible and we actually have... And there was several races. Ryan always wins. Bastard. ;)

3 out of our 7 bags were "caught" with alcohol and they actually "lost" one of our suitcases and we had to run around to different parts of the boat to try and locate it. "Luckily", they didn't catch all of the goods and we were able to savor our own bevvies.

This evening we had an amazing dinner in the dining room and hit up the hot tubs. Heading to bed now, since it is 1 am... Gym in the morning, more eats (but of course!) and more adventures.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

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