November 26, 2010
My day started out at 1 am this morning when my sweet, cute, butthead Great Dane woke me. She woke me an hour before I was due to rise and shine... Grrr! On my 3 hours of sleep, I proceeded to get ready for my Flippy Floppy Cruise Adventure! *cue dramatic fun music*
My earlier than early morning gave me more time to hang out with Rubi before she was shipped off to the dreaded kennel for the week. (Poor baby girl!)
Maggie, Ryan and Mandy picked me up at 3:20 am and we headed to the Edmonton International Airport for our 6:30 am flights - Except Maggie and Ryan were on a completely different flight than Mandy and I. Our flight connected through Houston, theirs through Arizona. We arrived in Florida at 4:30pm, Maggie and Ryan still aren't here.
Mandy and I checked in to the good 'ol Best Western and headed out via flippy flops in search of food and alcohol.
We wandered around, finally asking a random lady in scrubs where a good place to eat was. She suggested Anthony's Coal Fire Pizza but told us that we should take a cab. "CAB SCHMAB!" we proclaimed and headed there on foot. We made it to the restaurant in good time and ate a delicious meal. (This place actually reminded me of Famoso in Edmonton.)
On our way back to the hotel, Mandy stated that she needed to poo and figured she could make it back... NOPE! We rushed into Walgreens where the distress in her face and voice alarmed the whole store and had staff quickly assisting her to the bathroom JUST IN TIME! Phew!
We proceeded onward with our adventure and decided to check out the liquor store where we met some nice, helpful American men that worked there. An older man, loudly welcomed us into the store, "Welcome to Big Daddy's Liquor!" I whisper to Mandy, "Wow, the way he said that totally turned me on!", I laughed. One younger cute guy that worked there chatted us up and helped us make wise, intelligent alcohol choices. Later Mandy told me that he was checking me out, especially my ass. (Phht, yeah right!)
We decided that we had to purchase an additional suitcase so that we could accommodate our liquor haul. We seriously, get ripped off in Canada, stuff we paid $20 for here, we would have easily paid $60+ for in Canada, yikes! You may be wondering why we are buying so much alcohol... BECAUSE, we don't want to pay out pricey cruise alcohol prices.
In closing, Mandy and I walked 6.5 kms (4 miles) tonight and have blisters to prove it. None the less, Day 1 was an awesome adventure!
Added note:
Later we were told that we probably shouldn't have walked alone at night in this part of the city. Haha! I did vocally notice that the streets were pretty empty.. huh, we are just some innocent Canadian girls!
- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone
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