Wednesday, August 5, 2009

Getting it out.

I hate reading about people in love. Give me a fucking break. Sure I’m bitter, I’ve tried many times to trek down that road and each and every time I crawl away with my heart bleeding and my head held even lower than the time before.

I’m a happy smiley person, I am. But I have a angry corner of my being that comes out often. I smile inside – and in secret on the outside when no one is looking – when people break up. Who the shit are you kidding? Nothing lasts forever, fools.

But I have to give kudos to the ones that try. No one wants to end up like me, in a mind like me, in a state like me.

As I sit here and take a deep breath, head pounding from whatever my body lacks, I have to force motivation to do almost anything at all.

Grumble grumble.

It’s just one of those days.

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