Thursday, September 10, 2020

Sour Milk

Ladies and gents, know your worth. Do you know your worth? Cuz I’m tellin’ ya - Know. YOUR. Fucking. Worth. 

At my age, at this time in my life... if it is not absolute... it’s absolutely nothing. Simple right? You’d think so.

I know it’s hard, I really do. 

Don’t hold on to the little things. Let it all fucking go. Let that fucking shit goooooo...! It eats and rots away at you and you just pop out being a sleazy, ragged ol’ gopher trying to escape farmers gun shots. Stop digging up fucking holes in the fields, ya asshole. (How’s that for a metaphor eh?)

People don’t have time for you? They tell you they are busy? Read between the lines... they are just too busy for YOU. Move on. 

Nothing will hold a person back from seeing you or talking to you if it means that much to them. This game of life is a complicated one, but... it’s really not. It’s fucking black and white. People show you exactly how they feel and they show you exactly who they are. We just choose not to see it and listen to it. We want to hold on to some little sniggle of hope and it’s pathetic.

When you’re the one making peoples special days special, because well, you should... really... because that’s what friends do. But those same people don’t bother making your special days special, kinda wow eh? Soak that in. Breath that in slowly, taste it. Now blow it out like you just drank sour milk. 



Now, you can choose to close the world off, being a spiteful old bugger OR you can keep being you boo... but maybe with thicker skin? Now, I’m no expert here but maybe you could also just drink more and become numb. Boom! #GetIt

People will disappoint you. Family, friends, coworkers. No one is a saint. We are all a disappointment at times. 

Human life is so confusing... so complicated. 

I have no I inspirational closing. If I did, I’d probably be rocking this god damned life like you ain’t never seen, brah. 

Do you. 

Love you. 

Fuck you. 



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