Wednesday, September 29, 2010


This new, heavier set girl in my spin class was telling everyone why she was there, “Oh I’m going to Mexico I’m a month, need to lose weight!”

Automatically the asshole in me thought, “Honey! You don’t need spin class, you need a fucking miracle!” Then, I laughed, inside of course.

I have no place to talk, me and my chubby butt, BUT it’s people like that that piss me off and make me wanna kick babies… She’s rarely there and the class was full, so real, committed, “regulars”, people couldn’t join.

NOTE: Grace, if you read this, I love you and you are awesome and I’m sure you’re a miracle worker, but jeez!


  1. why would you kick babies? you should want to shed pounds for health reasons i agree. but to each their own?

  2. Some people do it for showoff just to get attention. cos its the new trend....
