Wednesday, September 29, 2010


This new, heavier set girl in my spin class was telling everyone why she was there, “Oh I’m going to Mexico I’m a month, need to lose weight!”

Automatically the asshole in me thought, “Honey! You don’t need spin class, you need a fucking miracle!” Then, I laughed, inside of course.

I have no place to talk, me and my chubby butt, BUT it’s people like that that piss me off and make me wanna kick babies… She’s rarely there and the class was full, so real, committed, “regulars”, people couldn’t join.

NOTE: Grace, if you read this, I love you and you are awesome and I’m sure you’re a miracle worker, but jeez!

Would you rather have the ability to fly, or the ability to breathe underwater?

Well since 2012 is crawling closer and closer I think that the ability to breathe under water would come in handy. I'm all over that 'ish!

What ya got? Gimme your best shot!

What website do you spend the most time on?

Facebook #fail haha! le sigh. Twitter (@fallyz) is a close second and my newest obesssion is tumblr!

What ya got? Gimme your best shot!

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Tard Issues.

I'm a tard. I brought my laptop home with loads of shit to do tonight. Work stuff. Play stuff. Research. BUT what do I do? I forget to bring the fakkin cord home. Rare does that happen and rare do I actually use it at all in the evening. #FallyFail Le sigh. I be crankin out the usage on the good old iPhone 3Gs tonight.

I want an iPad. It would be a toy, I don't think there would be much use for it otherwise.

I wanna iMac too while I'm whining. I have a Dell... In the industry I'm in, I had to go with Dell. It's great and all, but it's no Mac. Le sigh.

The Internet is fucking nuts slow right now. Grrrrr!

Me pee is bright yellow. It's the new vitamins I'm taking. Like... Super yellow! I'll take a pic next time to show you.


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Sunday, September 19, 2010

A picture that is worth a thousand words...

"Excuse me... *leans in* I'm gunna need this *grabs junk - cuts it off* Yep. Imma dry this out and let mah pooch munch on this sumbitch! Thanks!"

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPhone

Saturday, September 18, 2010


More randomness for your reading pleasure... rawr.

I really enjoy waking up early on a Saturday morning, laying in bed, thinking about life and the going ons of life. I enjoy surfing the interwebs for new things, scrolling through Facebook, getting the updates on my peoples.

I have been finding some wicked awesome sites these days. It's snazzy business, this web stuff ;)

This morning I found this site: after hitting up Katie West's Tumblr ( Awesome! You can actually create a magazine... they will sell it, print it and mail it for you. I think that's a pretty cool fucking find. I pondered the idea, could I create something that people would buy and read? Haha, of course it's pretty much word of mouth and really, only the people that kinda know you or already know you would buy it. I still think it's a rad concept. I'm sure I'll find a use for it down the road some day.

I found this funny motherfucker a few days ago Just check out the site, it speaks for itself. (Thanks Artimus.)

Saw this on and couldn’t help but do one of my own.
Sad songs I love:
• Here Without You - 3 Doors Down
• Love the Way You Lie – Eminem ft. Rihanna
• Stay - Sugarland

Favorite meal of the day, month of the year, day of the week:
• Breakfast
• September
• Saturday

My three biggest character flaws:
• Stubborn
• Avoid conflict to the point of shit building up causing me to blow up
• Really guarded

Happy songs I love:
• Part of Your World – Little Mermaid (lol!)
• Friend Like You – Joshua Radin
• It’s Me Bitches – Swizz Beatz

Favorite body parts:
• Back of neck
• tummy
• I can appreciate nice arms/snuggle worthy arms/ripped arms.

Dream jobs:
• Writer (I realize I would have to take a lot of schooling.)
• Doing something to help people, supporting my country, making a difference. (Military?)
• I dream of doing nothing for a job but I would still be busy doing stuff

Best sounds:
• a motorbike rippin’ by
• my dog dreaming
• listening to anything Tool

Things that terrify/fascinate me:
• love
• human emotions
• babies

Friday, September 17, 2010

Dream Dating

Baaaha! Just woke from a dream where I was on this dating show and everyone had dates but me. No one wanted to sit with me. Every time I'd start a convo they seemed all oober interested and once they found out that I was vegetarian/vegan they ran. *sad face*

The show people just made a dude sit with me and he had a fucking mullet and bad teeth. He seemed like a nice guy though.

It was awkward every time he tried to feed me meat. I finally bailed and had some salmon.

... Then my alarm woke me up!

I don't know why people get so awkward around the subject. I am not offended by meat at all. I don't get sick or offended when someone eats it in front of me.

I choose to eat the way I do not because of animal rights, but because I feel a million times more healthy and more energetic and alive. The best I've felt in years.

The first time in 2 years I ever really "flaunted" my life style is in my magazine article/interview. I wrote that article, no one wrote it for me - People constantly ask me who actually wrote it. I did! Haha! But yeah, I don't go around yelling it to the world.

Anyway, hello Friday! I've been looking forward to you. Smooches.

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Thursday, September 16, 2010

Because I was bored...

I'll give it to you for 50% off if you comment below!

Haha! ;)

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Yea, I'm going there!

Why the hell not... Haven't done one of these in ages! xo Fally

Please don’t break the cycle, it is fun to learn different things about our friends!

A. Three names I go by: Fallon + Fally, + fallyz (Yes. I know. Super original shit, eh? haha!)

B. Three places I’ve lived: Spruce Grove, AB + Grande Prairie, AB + Edmonton, AB

C. Three places I’ve worked: MEHco Inc. + Air Canada + Boarder Paving

D. Three things I love to watch: YouTube vids, when I get the chance nowadays! + Rubi play in the dog park + Sports, any sport.

E. Three places I have been: Hell... Jkjk! Sydney, Australia + Houston, Texas + Ottawa, Ontario.

F. Three people that email me regularly: Amanda + Mom + ummm...? eBay?

G. Three things I love to eat: Famoso Pizza + Popcorn + Avocado

H. Three people I think will respond: No one + Not you + Nope, no you either.

I. Three things I am looking forward to: Mah' Caribbean Cruise in November + Xmas in Ottawa + Hopin' Australia in the new year!

J. Three things you miss: Carefree days + My youth + Yo momma!

So here's what you're supposed to do....and please do not spoil the fun. Delete my answers and type in your answers. (this was meant for email but if u wanna you can leave in a comment below) Then send this to a few good friends or family INCLUDING the person who sent it to you. The theory is that you will learn something about each other.

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Monday, September 13, 2010

Fally Cooks?

My first attempt at Vegan Chili... Or maybe it will be a stew? It will be a mystery concoction! Haha!

I just kinda threw everything into the slow cooker and I'm hoping for the best. I have no freaking idea how to spice things to taste good. *crossing fingers*

I'm definitely no cook. I came up with the idea when trying to figure out an easy fast meal to get more protein in my diet.

(No jizz jokes please... Okok, maybe a few. Annnnd GO!)

So yeah... Amanda and I will let you know how it turns out!

Fally Vegan Chili Stew
(I have no idea how much this will make yet. It's a full crock pot)

2 bricks Firm Tofu
1 Large White Onion, Chopped
2 Green Peppers, Chopped
6 Cups Canned Diced Tomatoes
2 cans Sliced Mushrooms
6 tsp Minced Garlic
6 tsp Olive Oil
1 tbsp Oregano
16 g Chili Powder

Yep, there you have it.

Break down
(keep in mind, this is the whole pot.)
Fat: 100g
Protein: 138g
2076 calories

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Location:Leyland Way,Spruce Grove,Canada

Saturday, September 11, 2010

Sit down, get comfy, read me.

This is going to be pretty random, but I know you wouldn't expect anything less from me...

I'm told I should write more. I don't know how many blogs I've said that in... But yeah, apparently I write "good". I'm glad some people recognize my awesome mcradness.

Years ago, I used to write an email every few months to my main peeps updating them on the going ons of this life I live - alias "Fally". An old neighbor told my mom, who told me, that they miss those emails. I blog now... Isn't this shit the queen bee of updateage? I thought so. But, perhaps, an email is more personal? Yes, I suppose it is.

I didn't come here this evening to write about that shit though, I came here to... Well to bitch and ponder about some life stuff.

Life is good.
Business could be better but I know we will get through it.
I am a loner. I love my me time.
I have been single for about 5 years. Am I ready for a "relationship"? I have no fucking idea. I find myself kind of in one though and I can't seem to kick the "single" mind. I find myself having single person thoughts and planning single person things. This makes me kind of step back and think, "Hm. Interesting. Is this a sign of some sort?" I have no fucking idea. I think I've been single for so long that it's like a habit, an addiction that I can't kick. I wouldn't say it's a bad habit, but a habit none the less.

I wish I could take all the bad shit and stomp on that mother bitch, and make it dead. Bye bye bad shit. Bad shit = bad people. Rotten assholes. Bitches. Manipulative bipolar mind fuckers and make them gone. People that keep getting away with evil. I'm sick of waiting for Karma... Fuck you Karma, you're on vacation or some shit cuz I aint seen ya around these parts in awhile.

Ugh, you'll get yours. One day. I'll WILL that shit to happen.

If I had a super power it would be to have the ability to make someone feel what they selfishly put someone else through. Like for example, if someone fucks me over, I'm going to feel pretty shitty. In the future, when they are feeling all fuckered after someone fucked them over, I would have the ability to make sure they automatically reference back to the time they fucked me over and they have that "UH HUH!" moment and feel even shittier because of everything. Sure that would be a pretty selfish, wacky super power but I often wish I could do that. (How can you tell I've been fuckered one too many times, eh?)

Fuck, all I wanna do is get a slush. Get some gummie bears. Put gummie bears in my slush and savior that shit.

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Tuesday, September 7, 2010

I'm in the 2010 WOMANITION magazine

Check it out! I'm in this magazine.
Snazzy business! :)

Screen shot:

I'm on page PAGE 46

or cut and paste the following link into your browser:

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Facebook status update triggers a story...

My friend Jeremy posted this Facebook status:
"How is a guy walking down the street with a knife in his hand not a threat to everyone around him?"

Which made me think of the following:
Years ago, I had to testify in court to convict this one dude... because he was FUCKING INSANE! I worked on a road crew, we were paving a road, the crazy guy pulled a bat on one of my crew members after ...the dude on my crew told him to slow down... Semi long story short, it went to court.

Anyway, the crazy guy walked into the court room, looked at me while patting the HUGE FUCKING HUNTING KNIFE HANGING OFF HIS BELT... yeah. This was OK? While I shit myself, my mom went and told one of the police officers and there was nothing they could do. *blink blink*

After all was said and done, the dude didn’t get charged. Fast forward a few years... Crazy dude shot up a residential area, killed a few cops and then killed himself. Yep. I try not to think about this shit... I try to stay in my happy bubble, but WOW!

Stay away from Knife Dudes... and people with bats for that matter. (Common sense? Yes.)

Wednesday, September 1, 2010