When you offer someone a bite of your food or they ask for a bite, for the love of all holy food gods, don’t be the biggest fucking douche on earth and take a huge bite and/or practically half the meal.
This has got to be one of my BIGGEST PETPEEVES eeever. Someone close to me has done this to me for many many years. It pisses me off to NO END. I fucking eat very little as it is, (thanks chubby genes xo) so when you take a huge fucking ginormous bite of my meal, and in a recent case, a bite that you weren’t offered to begin with... imma say it: I WANT TO SLAP YOU!
The end.
Starving xo
ps. The last thing I want to appear as it an Orca Fat Food Hoarder... but events like these make me feel just like that. Ugh. MY FOOD. MINE. Nom nom nommm.
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