Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Relationship Junk

I want to hear him.
I wanna text him.
I can't.
I told him to fuck off.
Trying to forget about him.
I want him.
Why can't he be less douchey?
More caring?
Girls are stupid.
Attracted to assholes.
Wanting ones that don't treat them right.
Not attracted enough to the ones that do.
Relationship junk is so fucked.

- Posted using BlogPress from Fally iPhone

Location:Woodside Crescent,Spruce Grove,Canada

A day in the life of a fat girl...

A day (and week) in the life of a fat girl...

"I wish I could wear that shirt... It's too tight, no one wants to see that."
"... it's in your genes, it's going to be harder for you to lose weight." says my doctor. Super... Thanks family. I get my yearly check up, everything is great. Thyroid is good too.

"Maybe this is where your body wants to be..." says a friend. I don't accept that.

I am more active than anyone I know, but I'm one of the biggest. I eat healthier* than anyone I know, but I'm one of the bigger ones. (*healthier by my standards and research, not the bullshit Canadian/American Food Guide)

My fat is constantly on my mind, the constant insecurity of being in public... thanking the hoodie inventor daily for hiding my unpleasant bodyness. I avoid mirrors. I avoid cloth shopping. Online shopping is great. I avoid new people, I avoid a lot.

I'm to eat six times a day. "Speed up your metabolism." Okay. LOTSA’ fruits and veggies. The occasional veggie burger. Bowl of bran flax with almond milk.

A usual active week for Fally:
(NOTE: this isn’t “new” I’ve been at this for years, more determined in the last year though.)

AM 60 min Spin class.
PM Yoga with a friend and/or 30 min run and/or 30 min on the bike and/or elliptical and/or weight training. (whatever I feel like doing for 60 min)

AM up at 5:20 am to do 60 min of something at the gym.
PM Yoga class and dodgeball

AM Spin class
PM Dodgeball

AM 60 min of something at the gym
PM Dodgeball

AM 60 min. of something at the gym
PM might take the night off if there is nothing planned... 80% of the time I go to the gym, it’s not as busy on Fridays.

Go to the gym at some point or take day off if I plan on going Sunday. Or if I'm feeling extra fat I'll go both days.

See Saturday.

I'm trying.

"...well it must be what you are eating..." says most people. I am mostly vegan but I'm completely vegetarian. I eat healthy.

Plus side to all this... I haven't really been sick in over a year.

There you have it... A glimpse into the struggling life of a wanna be more comfortable in her body, chubby girl.

- Posted using BlogPress from Fally iPhone

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

We were made for eachother...

I used to hate avocados! Ok well, I didn't hate them but I didn't really like them all that much. Guacamole was good, the avocado alone was yucky...


On a whim I bought one while I was grocery shopping with my mom. I was going to add bits to my veggie shake because avocados are really healthy.

That evening, I added some to my shake but for shitz and gigz, I tried some just on it's own...

Oh sweet mother! It was like instant love, with the heart-shaped eyes and everything! I gobbled down a little less than half and dreamt about it all day at home waiting for me to eat a little more for dinner.

I just went out and bought 6 more. *smile*

Being in love is great isn't it!


Borrow My DVD - Follow The DVD - 001 - The Eagle Has Landed

Borrow My DVD - Follow The DVD - 001 - The Eagle Has Landed
001 - The Eagle Has Landed
Tuesday, January 19, 2010 at 3:49PM
"Today marks a momentous occasion for the Borrow My DVD project. The DVD arrived today in Edmonton Alberta Canada. After travelling roughly 2400 miles from my home, today is when the project officially starts. Hopefully, we'll have some pictures or reviews to share in the near future.

The next few stops won't take as long, as the DVD is going to trek through Canada first, before returning to the United States. Thanks again to everyone for signing up. Don't forget to spread the word though. Sign ups will remain open indefinitely, as we've had enough people join to last most (if not all) of 2010."

Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Love is... - Sarkastickunt

Love is... - Sarkastickunt:
"Love is... telling him “Not tonight, I have my period.” And him saying, “That’s okay, we’ll lay a towel down and take a shower right after.”"

Sunday, January 17, 2010


Amanda and I were finishing up at the gym last night, we were in the dressing room and she told me I had to remind her to check her lotto tickets... (Uh, BTW this is your reminder... haha!)

Fally: 'So when you win lotsa money are we going to get married?'
Amanda: *looks at the other chick in the locker room and kinda laughs*
Fally: 'What... so you don't wanna marry me?'

Haha :D I am sure lotsa people think we're 'together' and it's kinda funny.

I didn't look at the other chick, but I'm sure we was all like 'OMG LEZZZBEEANS!!' I think she was changing too and she was probably trying to flash me her junks.

Amanda may LOOK like she wears the pants in our relationship but I am totally the pant wearer.

Wednesday, January 13, 2010

... But you need protien!!

Hey world, have ya heard? There's protien in plants!

I wish people would stop telling me that I need protien. I hear this a minimum of 5 times a week!

Really? You don't think I know HOW to accomplish that with plants... fruits, veggies, nuts?

It would be like me constantly telling people, "You need fiber!"

Okay, obviously, no offence to the peeps that have mentioned this to me. I probably love you... and I forgive you.

Now go enjoy your protien filled animal parts.

:D xo

- Posted using BlogPress from Fallyz iPhone

Tuesday, January 12, 2010


Public Service Announcement: It may not bother you to go to the gym in the morning without brushing your teeth but it REALLY sucks for the rest of us - Think about it, you're breathing heavy, sharing the that greatness with the rest of us.

Special Side Note: if you must arrive at the gym without the brushing your teeth, make sure a fan isn't blowing past you onto someone... Asshole.

Saturday, January 9, 2010

My life could be a sitcom.

Seriously, my life could be a sitcom.

A guy just walked into my office, he was rather sloppy and messy looking, wearing sweat pants and uncombed hair. Within the first few moments of talking to him it’s apparent that he’s “special”, talking much like a child and no eye contact, very nervous. He continues by asking me if we do movie editing, which I in return ask him if he’ll be getting more copies of it made and what he wants... “Well there’s this new movie out called Star Trek and there’s this REALLY GROSS sex scene in it and we want to take out”. I look at him for a moment... *blink blink* I hold my composure and conduct myself in a very businesslike manner by telling him that I was sorry but we don’t edit or copy movies like that – He walks out with his head down.

I would say I’m a dream killer, but um... I think most dreams involve gross sex... or at least mine do.

Fat Man Plane

I wrote this while I was on my flight from Calgary to Edmonton... It was on a little 2-seat per side plane. (It had propellers... Wow. I used to work that the airport, I can’t even remember the name of the effin’ plane!)

Wanna hear something hot?... Right now my ass is totally touching this other guys ass. He's so big and thick...

And smelly and extremely over weight! I can hardly type this into my iPhone because I’m being shoved into the isle. We can't even put the middle arm rest down because it would be impossible - and it would totally break under pressure! He squeezed in next to me, looked over at me and exclaimed, “Wow, squishy!” No fucking shit Fat Man! I just smiled and nodded, while having active thoughts of stabbing him in the eye with... with... dirty looks. (Who are we kidding, I’m not all that violent. *grin*) I’m not on any top model skinny scale myself, but at least my junk isn’t spewing all over the place.

Thank Lord Baby Jeebuz that it was only a 50 minute flight. I think I was the first to stand when the seat belt sign turned off. WOW, that was beyond awkward... Perhaps it wouldn’t have been so bad if it was at least a cute chubby duder.

Oh-KAY, I know... I am going to hell because I’m such an asshole. I think I’m ok with that. Venting to the masses makes me feel all warm and fuzzy inside.

TV makes me a little sick...

My grandmother is making me watch 'Birth Day' It's real life, reality TV birthing stories. She looks over at me and says, 'Gunna have a baby?' - Silence - Than I reply, 'FUCK! NO!'

The mothers face is so eff'd, and she's doing it without pain meds, CRAZY WOMAN! The father looks scared and sick. Ugh, I feel sick, I don't blame him.

'Nanny, I don't want to watch this!' which she replies 'Then don't' and turns back to the TV... Haha!

The mother just asked for an episiotomy... *blank stare*

But my Nanny always makes me laugh... 'One time on the show, the woman got an episiotomy and the father asked the doctor to stitch it up a little tighter, what an asshole!' LMAO!

It's weird that they keep saying 'Vaginal' and it makes me laugh, because I'm awesomely mature like that.

On next... 17 Kids & Counting. They all that names that start with 'J' too. PEOPLE ARE FUCKING NUTS!

Wow I guess this is an old show because they have 19 kids now...
Joshua, Jana, John, Jill, Jessa, Jinger, Joseph, Josiah, Joy-Anna, Jedidiah, Jeremiah, Jason, James, Justin, Jackson, Johannah, Jennifer, Jordyn, Josie

Driving with Nanny...

Nanny and I were driving around Kemptville after grabbing some food. Of course, like with every second conversation I have with with her, my singledom and relationship status comes up. Nanny says, 'I think you're a wonderful girl, you're pretty, you're sweet and kind and helpful and successful and... I just don't understand why you are single and why boys aren't interested in you...' I just explain that there are some but it's just not on my top of my list and that I'm content and happy - she still doesn't understand how I could be single. She isn't really listening to me so I look over at her, very seriously, and I say, 'Because I'm gay.' She looks over at me in shock and says, 'Oh Fallon, you are not!' and I just laughed and laughed... Hahaaa! :) I shouldn't have done that while she was driving but it was really funny.

Man old people and their old ways.

A convo with my gparents

Today, my Poppa says to my Nanny, 'Our granddaughter is a Spinster... Fallon, do you know what that is? A single woman... It might be nice now but when your alone at 50...' A few moments later, 'I've been hoping she would get together with a guy here and then get married here and then she would have to move out East...' Nanny adds '... Or she finds a guy that is from here and would have to visit more often...'

This went on for several minutes...

Oy. Shoot me now.

Drunkness on a plane...

Testing your patience... Sitting in the middle seat on a plane while sitting next to a drunk son'ova'bitch who talks to himself, expresses anger at everything, can't make the 'fucking tv thing work' while banging on it. Constantly looking out the window proclaiming loudly that the flight is taking too long and for it to hurry up. Spilling his drink on me but, also proclaiming loudly, that it was emply. Right, I just wet my own pants. The constant stench of alcohol is over welming and I can't stop sneezing and have a headache because of it. He can't sit still and keeps farting. Muthr'fuck!!! Testing ones patience. Fuck me.

Wednesday, January 6, 2010

I think there should be a rule when flying...

I think there should be a rule when flying...

If someone kicks or bumps or 'WTF are you even doing back there?' to your seat 3 times (3 strikes you are out, buddy) you should be allowed to get up and punch him/her in the face, kick their shin, stomp on there toe or poke them in the eye. (I would like to pepper spray the mofo but that would eff up the whole plane, including myself.)

If it's a kid kicking your seat - which is almost as horrible as any form of hair removal - you should be allowed to pick one of the previous listed actions and do this to their parent(s).

I feel horrible when I accidently bump the seat infront of me and I always apologize. I don't get how a full grown adult can be capable of being such an inconsiderate shit for brains.

This will also be added to my list of 'This is Why People Get Stabbed and Shot!'

There you have it my friends, another installment of 'Flyin with Fally